Some math web sites you might find useful:
Nebraska State Standards - View and download the state math standards
NCTM Standards - e-examples - 4.1 act. - Tangrams, Geoboards
National Library of Manipulatives - Click virtual library, pick index, and grade level
Broken Calculator #1 - Try to solve a problem with keys you cannot use on this calculator
Broken Calculator #2 - More advanced problem solfing
Estimation #1 - Estimate more or less
Estimation #2 - Comparison Estimator
Estimation #3 - Estimatator
Factor Game - Play this applet to brush up on your factoring skills
NCTM math lessons and resources - The Factor game, etc.
4Teachers - Some good teacher tools
Jason Home Page - For Math and Science adventures!
Shodor Interactive site - Numbers, factorize
Stock Market - A link to NASDAQ stock prices
Currency Converter - Convert US money to other currency values and vice versa
CT4ME - Tremendous links to math tool sites
Game of FIF - A two person game to find the sum of 15 - play each other or the computer
Convert Measures - An online conversion tool
Create graphs on-line - Use this tool to create instant graphs!
Houghton Mifflin's Education place - Free subscription to the data place
Henry Doorly Zoo Resource Library - Taking a trip to the zoo, check out these resources!
Key Curriculum Press -Sketchpad, Fathom, and Tinker Plots
Geometry Calculator - An online tool for use in Geometry
Lemonade Stand - Better animation, more choices than Lemonade Stand
Coolmath4kids - Many math activities for students of all ages - Dedicated to helping students with math difficulties - A Drexel University Web site for helping students - Resources such as ask an expert, flash cards, and a glossary - Mainly a reference site for looking up formulas and/or tables - A teacher made web site full of interactive lessons - Interactive puzzles and mazes - Interactive math games for education and more... - Worksheets, flashcards, games, and more - Algebra homework, tutoring, answers, and solutions. Very well designed
Alberta, Canada site - Login as guest and find math applets for all grade levels - For families and math at home - could also be used in a classroom
cut-the-knot - Problem solving games (java based) - Some free applets for all ages and subject areas - View some free lessons and play some interactive math games
Discovering the value of pi - Use this site to discover the value of pi
Math Magician Games - Great math facts web site that keeps time
Geogebra - Free, downloadable geometry sotfware for use in your classroom.
Desmos Graphing Calculator - An online graphing calculator